The six most attractive behaviors

We all want to look beautiful and feel attractive at some point in our life. This mostly hits us when we are in our teens or adulthood whereas kids don't focus on their looks which are good. But today we have it all wrong. We base attractiveness of a person on how they look...

How to fix a dehydration headache

We all suffer from some headaches during the same. Our lives have become so intense and fast that we don't have time to relax — the more pressure we put on our body, the more damage we are doing to it which is why headaches have become common among kids as well as adults...

What is Depression?

What is Depression?
Depression is feeling unhappy to a point you are in despair over one or more aspects of your life. It can also cause fatigue as being depressed can be exhausting constantly going over things in your head that make you unhappy. One fact is that if you have a good amount of energy you...

Are You Aware Of Diabetes?

Are You Aware Of Diabetes?
Diabetes is a common health problem that affects the younger generation as well as the elderly. The cause of diabetes is mainly related to a lack of insulin production that helps to control the amount of glucose in your blood. There is no known cure yet, but with your sugar level under control, you...

What You Need To Know About Acupuncture

What You Need To Know About Acupuncture
Acupuncture originated in china and is an ancient medical practice that is a process where a series of needles are used to stimulate your anatomical points. Some practitioners have been known to use lasers to stimulate the points, but the use of needles is more traditional. Acupuncture is known to help in some conditions but...